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오늘은 해피캠퍼스에서 발췌한 “(경영학원론) 유한양행 기업분석 보고서” 내용을 정리하여 알려드립니다.
2.Company overview
3.Industry Analysis
1)Internal Analysis: Competitive Advantage
2)External Analysis: 5 Forces Model
4.Corporate Governance and Ethics
1)Shareholder Structure
2)Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
5.Organizational Strategy
1)Organizational Culture
2)HR & Marketing Strategy
When watching the news, there are often cases where the immoral behavior of a company CEO becomes controversial, with incentive headlines such as “A Company’s CEO arrested for embezzlement case” or “B Company’s collusion between politics and business”. Such examples include so-called “갑질” cases where vast corporate funds are used for personal gain or employees are treated unfairly. In this case, the company's image becomes negative, and it may even lead to a consumer boycott. In this way, a company's image has a negative impact on its sales and performance.
On the contrary, there may be cases where a good corporate image has a positive effect on corporate management. Since most news covers cases where a company's image has suffered due to a negative event, there was no example that immediately came to mind in this case. Then I remembered the professor talking about “Yuhan Corporation,” a representative company with a positive image. I thought it would be interesting to analyze in depth how Yuhan Corporation's positive corporate image was created and what impact this image had on corporate management.
What competitive advantages does Yuhan Corporation have in the pharmaceutical industry? How will Yuhan Corporation’s CSR and organizational structure affect corporate management? I would like to discuss Yuhan Corporation's footsteps and its future vision on topics such as these. Lastly, I would like to find out what relationship Yuhan Corporation's ethical management and good image have with the company's survival.
Company Overview
Yuhan Corporation is Korea's first pharmaceutical company, founded in 1926 by Dr. Yu Ilhan. The company was founded to improve the health and welfare of the country's citizens at a time when the country was suffering from disease and hygiene problems. This motto continues to these days, and Yuhan Corporation focuses on pharmaceutical research and development and produces medicines such as painkillers, anticancer drugs, and antibiotics.
Lee, MJ. (2023, June 9). "유한양행, '연매출액 2조' 전인미답 눈앞...'주인없는 제약사' 성공비결은." 더밸류뉴스. https://www.thevaluenews.co.kr/news/view.php?idx=175993
Park, IW. (2018, June 25). "[살맛나는세상이야기]유한양행 - '국내 최초' 기업의 사회적 책임 모델." metro. https://www.metroseoul.co.kr/article/*************
Kim, JS. (2024, June 7). "유한양행 '렉라자' 데이터 중무장...예상 점유율 40%, 판매 로열티는?." PHARM EDAILY. https://pharm.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=01708886638919424&mediaCodeNo=257
Ingrid Torjesen. (2015, May 12). “Drug development: the journey of a medicine from lab to shelf.” the PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL. https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/feature/drug-development-the-journey-of-a-medicine-from-lab-to-shelf
Yuhan Corporation, https://www.yuhan.co.kr/Research/Vision/
Lee, MJ. (2023, June 9). "유한양행, '연매출액 2조' 전인미답 눈앞...'주인없는 제약사' 성공비결은." 더밸류뉴스. https://www.thevaluenews.co.kr/news/view.php?idx=175993
Noh, YH. (2024, March 22). "2023년 주요 제약사 3곳 中 2곳, 연구개발비 투자 늘렸다." medifonews. https://www.medifonews.com/mobile/article.html?no=189122
해당 자료가 필요하신 분은 “(경영학원론) 유한양행 기업분석 보고서” 으로 해피캠퍼스에서 확인해 보세요.
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