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기초아날로그실험 8주차 예비레포트

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오늘은 해피캠퍼스에서 발췌한 “기초아날로그실험 8주차 예비레포트” 내용을 정리하여 알려드립니다.


1-2Colpitts LC Oscillator
1-3Buck Converter (Step-Down Regulator)
1-4Boost Converter (Step-Up Regulator)
1-5Inverting Switching Regulator

2.PSPICE simulation
2-1 Experiment 1
2-2 Experiment 2
2-3 Experiment 3




1. Theory
1-1 Oscillator
The oscillator serves to produce a repetitive waveform with a specific shape, frequency, and amplitude needed to drive another circuit. Waveforms such as sinusoidal, pulse, sawtooth, and triangular waves can be used for applications, especially pulse waves to operate the timer.

The oscillator is largely classified as linear/nonlinear oscillators. In case of linear oscillators, a feedback loop is connected to the amplifier and output a sinusoidal wave within a specific frequency band, divided into three main categories, depending on the frequency of operation: RC oscillator, LC oscillator and crystal oscillator.
The RC oscillator operates for frequencies up to about 1MHz, and the crystal oscillator operates in the highest frequency band. The LC oscillator requires higher frequencies to operate than the RC oscillator.

In case of nonlinear oscillator, a capacitor and nonlinear switching device are connected to a feedback loop. The switching device periodically charges/discharges the capacitor, generating a square/sawtooth/triangular waveform. The nonlinear oscillator is divided into ring oscillator and RC relaxation oscillator.



Electronic devices conventional current version / Thomas L. Floyd


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